"It's double stuffed," Austen tells Marie as they discuss Oreo eating techniques. Michal turns to inspect the Oreo in question and says, "Actually, that's quadruple stuffed, originally the Oreos are double stuffed, I know." That's my favorite thing said at Susan's going away party, today.

Why did I throw Susan a going away party? Because she is leaving in 8 days! 8 days, guys! I am crying on the insides. I am going to miss her so much. We played games, ate chips and salsa, and went crazy in a photobooth! Enjoy some of favorite pictures.

So on Saturday I went to my friend Tania's Baby Shower! I love babies they are just so cute! It was a lot of fun, especially because we got to eat Pakistani food, which is very tasty. Guess who showed up to the Shower? Guess. MOLLIE!!! She has been gone for 10,000 years! I missed her so much. She most definitely one of my favorite. She been at Swedish Camp, learning Swedish and loads of fun. After the shower, Sariah, Mollie and I spent the night at Mollie's house. We got to catch up and love on each other. I love you guys so much!
This is Mollie. She IS homeschooled. She is a freshman. She growing up, sniff sniff. She is my sister. My favorite thing about Mollie is her sense of fashion. Mollie is so cute. She has the cutest clothes! I love her!
One of my favorite memories of Mollie is before she moved to U City, when we were little kidos. We loaded into her wagon and rode to the pool and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. I don't know why but that has had a lasting impression on me. We have been friends for a LONG time!
Today, I got to see my friend Megan, who I hadn't seen a while she's one of my favorites so here's here favorite friend profile.
This is Megan. It is spelled the correct way not with an h or extra vowels. She IS homeschooled. She is a Junior. Man, kid, you are old. I forgot we aren't friends, right now, we aren't the same age. She is my sister. My favorite thing about Megan is she always helps me keep in shape and she tells me truthfully how I look so I never have to worry if I have something on my face or a bad outfit.
My favorite memory of Megan, wow, that's hard, I have know her for my whole life. One of my favorite memories of Megan is when they lived in their Rosemar Lane house and we were playing dress-up in the garage attic and Susan and Melody came over and shut the door to the attic. Now you have to realize this is literally an attic door, a pull-down ladder door. They wanted to see if we could down by ourselves without help. At first, we didn't really care we finished playing dress up and then we decided we wanted to get down. We ended taking a pole and pushing the door down, pretty easily. I was so proud of us, we had gotten down without any help. Take that bullies.