Today, I tried to be my mom, tried to do what she normally does. I cleaned, cooked and did the things that are done by my mom. And now sitting here at the computer, I am totally, utterly exhausted. As I was making dinner, I realized how thankful I am to have my mom. Some people have mom's that have walked out on them, abused them, or just totally ignored them. I am so thankful for my mom, for putting up with all my complaining, whining, and fighting. I can't believe how much she does. She cleans the house, cooks us really, really tasty food, homeschooles us, manages rental properties and so much more. And the most amazing thing is She never complains.
I did half of the things she usually does for one day, and I am totally ready for her to come back and take over. I can't imagine having to do all that she does. I respect her. From now on, I am going to try and help out around house more. Do chores without being asked and tell her everyday how much I love, respect and need her. I love you, Mom! Happy Birthday! Can't wait til you come home!
Nancy,you have realized at a very early age what being a Mom really is. Most "kids" don't get it until they are "Mom" themselves. You are a good daughter. Love, Grandma