Clubs are a big thing here in Albertville, and because clubs are a big thing they have a mini-festival for them. Well, this minifest was on Saturday and we went to check it out. It was set up around the Olympic Torch for the 1992 Olympics. There were tons of booths where you ask questions or get information about specific clubs. Life has been pretty busy though, so I didn't sign up for anything yet. Afterward, the Potters and I went and had a picnic lunch by the river. We had pizza with really good cheese circles on top, apple sauce, juice, and really yummy dried mangos! When lunch was finished, Sydney and I splashed around in the water; She loved it!

Then, the Potters went shopping and I headed home. I didn't really know the way home, but I had Google Maps so I was good, right,...wrong. In case you didn't know, I am a pro at unexpected longcuts. One moment, I was walking down the familiar path home and then, nothing looked familiar. I wondered along a little farther, just to make sure I was
really lost, and then I checked my phone. When I was trying to figure out where I was, though, I couldn't find myself so I just kept walking. I tried to look for anything familiar, but things just looked more and more unfamiliar. I looked at my phone again, to see if I could find where I was now, but the map wouldn't load; So now, I am in the middle of this unknown city, no idea where I am, surrounded by pubs and no way to contact my family. I thought about asking someone directions but I was either in a residential area or around a pub; Plus, I wasn't exactly sure how to ask them because I didn't know the name of our school, or the part of the city I live in. After an hour of walking, in the direction I thought was home, I stumbled upon the park across from our church and found my home from there. Sadly, I had chosen my shoes that aren't very good to walk in for hours and I have at least 5 blisters and my feet are pretty beaten up. Boo.

After church, we had the very first youth group of the year. We went to a park, had a potluck lunch and hung out for 4 hours. Seeing as I don't speak much French, it seemed like a
long time. I did get to hang out with the 4 other teenagers that are here at the school, which was good. While there, we did some group ice breakers, talked about the plan for the year, played field hockey, and hung out. There was quite a bit of free time where you could do whatever, which made it seem long. I know that a 4-hour youth group back in St. Louis would be awesome, but I don't really know these kids yet, so it wasn't super fun but hopefully it will get better. I do have to say I know the kids from the school quite a bit better than before which is good. I am hoping to continue getting to know them deeper. They
are pretty cool.
We have a courtyard here on campus and it seems that there's an invisible schedule that says when everybody goes and hangs out in the courtyard. Now, I do realize that France has quiet hours but these are different rules. Sometimes it's what I like to call "community time" when everybody is in the courtyard talk, riding bikes or scooters, eating, play basketball or one of their new favorites, Ripsticking. I have the desire to go out and hang with the other families but when I go down there, I always think "
Why am I down here? This is boring." Partly, I think that's because I don't want to go get my bike from our basement just to ride around in circles, but I do hope to find someway to connect with the community.
Well, that's it from this side of the Atlantic. Trying to learning the customs of France, the school and looking for the right community to be a part of. More later!
Bonus: I am learning to french braid my own hair which seemed appropriate to learn while in France.