On Saturday, some teens and I went on an escapade to Chateau de Chantemerle, which for those of you who don't know, is the ruins of a castle. First, we biked to the hill that the castle is on, then we climbed up to the ruins. Two of the towers were still mostly complete and the rest were just walls of the once castle. When we got up to the ruins, we looked around and climbed on the them. It was fun and gorgeous, not surprisingly.
This is the view from the tower we climbed up. |

Town and mountain from the tower. |
Pascal climbed to the other side of the tower. |
Stone! |
Climbing down from the tower. Look at Charity just chillin' in the doorway. |
The view! |
Having fun! |
Emma being silly! |
Then, on Sunday, we went to Conflans which is a medieval city, 15 minutes walk away. There was a medieval festival going on and we went to go see the parade. Sadly, it was raining which made everything a little bit more damp. We had to play "hop from one covered place to another" which is actually quite entertaining. Exploring the city was exciting with all its little shops, alleys, museums and churches. The parade was full of masquerade-dressed people. It was an awesome venture and a fair parade.
Part of the parade, all ready to go including their umbrellas! |
He was the coolest person in the parade. I mean, look at him, he just carries himself the way someone dressed up in masquerade attire should. Also, he has a kinda Pirates of the Caribbean Jack Sparrow look to him. |
I did actually see this French painter in this French alley way. |
One of the many beautiful views from Conflans. |
I respect her, not only because she looks awesome, but because she is putting up with everyone taking pictures of her. |
Meet the comrados (like comrades but not):
Gorgeous Naomi |
Naomi is a 15 year old ballet dancer. She grew up outside of New York and has gone to a French school since she was two. Thus, she knows English and French fluently and is now learning Spanish (look at this girl!). She is here for a year of French private school and she staying with a missionary family who she knew back in Plattsburgh. She is very sweet, kind, nice and friendly.
Thoughtful Emma |
Emma is a 15 year old missionary kid who is going to Mali. She also grew up outside of New York where she meet Naomi. She knows French fairly well, better than me. She is homeschooling and going full time to French language school. I don't know how she does it, I couldn't! She is quiet, amiable, considerate and I hope to get to know her even better.
Adventurous Charity |
Charity is a 18 year old who works part time in the nursery and goes part time to French language school. She is taking her second gap year before heading off to college. She grew up in northern California and has more recently moved to southern California. She is pretty radical, I mean, she goes skateboarding from beach to beach. She is affectionate, sophisticated, compassionate and a good listener and friend.
Climber Pascal |
Pascal is a 17 year old missionary kid, Emma's brother, who is going to Mali. He also grew up outside of New York, obviously. He knows French pretty well. He is taking a couple of classes along with learning French full time. He is funny, considerate, surprising and awesome. Oh, he also really likes to catch "mad air" on scooters.
Jonathan trying to copy Naomi.→ |
She's got it right, silly is the way to go! |
Jonathan is a 18 year old almost former missionary kid. He is finishing up his senior year here in France and then in December he will go back to the states for college. He grew up in Brazil and knows Portuguese fluently. He is not actively working to learn French in the few months he is here. He is outgoing, passionate, and fun.
Now, you are probably wondering about the title of this blog. They are German words! Why? Well, at Conflan, Jonathan asked me what my favorite German word was, because apparently everyone has a favorite German word. Well, I didn't have one at the time; So Jonathan, I found my two favorite German words: Lebensmüde which means life tired or tired of life, but I like to think it's talking about how life just makes us tired sometimes. Weltschmerz mean world-weariness or world pain, which is something I've been feeling recently, because not many people actually go to church or are Christians here. I just look around and see so many people who are oblivious to God's unconditional, everlasting love. I see individuals who need to be told that His blood can cover ALL of their sins, not just some, not just the little ones but ALL of them! Take 1 John 1:9
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" This world is so messed up, so full of people who are self-centered, sinful, greedy, and it's just mind-blowing that God loves us anyway. That even though we've turned away from Him, and spit in His face, he's still waiting for us with arms wide open, welcoming us back. Just look at 1 John 3:1a
"See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are." God loves us so much that He calls us His children!
As you can probably tell none of my friends are French
yet. Because I don't know French very well, I don't have a good way to connect with the French teens. As I learn French and get to know the French better, I hope that I can share God's love and forgiveness with them. I hope to show them how to lessen their Weltschemerz, to give them a reason to look past their Lebensm
üde and see the future kingdom of God here on earth and how they can be apart of bring it. I
am glad to have this community of teenagers to hang out with for now. I hope to get to know them deeper and better and to grow even closer than we already are.
We saw this Milou (Snowy) from Tintin spray painted on the back of a stop sign. |
Johnathan is working on becoming a model while Naomi is just being herself. |
Everything. is. beautfiul. in. France. |
Andre and I had to stop and admire all of these knives. So awesome! |
I love this, learning about your new friends. I'm glad you are a light in a dark world too. You know what so many do not know, have not heard, or have perhaps ignored about God, the Bible, and the good news of God's love and forgiveness. So proud of your life.
ReplyDeletethanks for telling us about your new friends!