Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty five thousand moments, oh dear
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?
525,600 minutes, that's how long it's been since I moved away from the States; And so much has happened! Moving to France, traveling through Europe, learning French, meeting awesome people, cutting my hair off, getting my nose pierced, moving to Congo, seeing Vanga for the first time, feeling a baby inside the womb for the first time, and so on. It's been a year of growing for me, a year of learning and a year of adventure!! I am so blessed to have made such new, great, lasting friendships and to have old friends come visit me as well as family!! I loved all the weekend trips I took with my one-of-a-kind parents!! These last 365 days, I have learned more about my parents than ever before and they have become my friends. It hasn't been all peaches and cream (although that does sound good in this African heat) there were plenty of trials and there are now and will be, but with God's, my parent's and my many, many wonderful friends I made it through and will continue too!!! It has been one of the best 12 months of my life and I hope to have many more just as full of adventure, travel and amazing people!! Here's some photos that I haven't posted yet, because well....the internet isn't great, I wanted to post more but well.... the internet.
Heidi and I at my French Language School Graduation!! She has great taste in coffee, music and movies!!! (I mean what else matters.....) |
Greg and I saying a final goodbye. It has been the worst part about the last 12 months. |
The past 365 days, Heidi and Roxy (aka Charity) have shown me some of the best films including V for Vendetta!! |
Guarana Antarctica, the best soda, shout out to Jonathan who introduced me on my birthday! |
Yay for Gecko friends and Megan friends who make moving much better! |
High on the happiness of traveling and adventuring! |
Irene and I, Irene is one of my friends here in Vanga; we're still working through cultural differences including smiling in pictures!! |
Thank you for all of you have followed my wanderings and have supported me through all of it with kind word, prayers and well-timed Skype calls!!! |
Looks like God has been answering many prayers, for your adjustments to jerky (requiring flexibility) circumstances...moving, changing, moving, traveling, saying goodby, saying hello in a new language. Yikes! He is there...what a comfort.